‘You Had to Be There,’ Says Woman About to Tell Rest of Story Anyway

In local news, San Antonio resident Leah Washington is definitely telling the rest of the story, even after informing friends that they “really had to be there” to fully enjoy the tale.


Sources say they are disappointed by this decision.


“She just launched into a story about her weekend,” said friend Lacy Rice. “And it wasn’t getting a lot of laughs. She seemed to pick up on that and said we probably had to be there, but for some reason she just kept on going and hasn’t stopped.”


Other friends are struggling to report what the story has been about.


“I’m really lost,” said Jacob Linser. “Is it something about losing her phone? She’s still going.”


“I thought it was about her nephew?” chimed in Rice. “Oh, nope. This seems to be about summer camp.”


Friends report Washington is known for telling long-winded tales that rely upon knowledge one could only have if they had, indeed, been there.


“She’ll tell all these stories from her high school years,” said girlfriend Pam Kingston. “But they make no sense unless you, like, were at Michael’s parents’ lake house in July of 2011, for example.”


Washington briefly launched in a fit of giggles, but has gestured that she is definitely not done and the story she is about to tell is extremely funny.


“She obviously can tell the story is boring, but I guess she also thinks acknowledging that is enough,” adds Jacob. “That’s like punching someone in the face and apologizing while you do it.”


“I don’t think they really get it,” says Washington. “But that’s okay. It’s a real lobster-in-a-shoebox moment, if you know what I mean.”


When asked to explain this nonsensical phrase, Washington had no answers.


“It’s kind of an inside joke between me and my roommate,” she said laughing.