How I Stopped Comparing Myself To Others Better Than Sarah Did

For my whole life, I’ve always thought my friends were more successful, more beautiful, and more relationship-ready than I was. I was stuck in a tortuous cycle and needed to stop measuring myself against everyone around me. But finally, I learned how to accept myself without comparison, and I’ve done it way better than that bitch Sarah has.


I started by changing my career. After I made the leap to being a freelancer, Sarah did too, but my story of self-acceptance is honestly stronger than hers, so back off.


As a freelancer, I found myself comparing myself to others a lot of the time. So I started to make lists of things that made me happy and excited, and began to see my work and happiness flourish! Unlike Sarah, who seemed to just take a lot of gigs indiscriminately because I guess she still feels the need to “prove” herself? Honestly I feel sorry for her!


Then I moved onto my appearance. I used to analyze every part of my body for its flaws, and it was becoming toxic. So each morning, I looked in the mirror and started to thank every part of my body for doing what it does for me. “Thank you eyes, for seeing.” “Thank you nose, for smelling.” “Thank you cheeks, for face stuff.”



By really examining myself in the mirror, I began to love myself for who I am, even though Sarah’s technique to not look in the mirror at all “worked” for her and her naturally svelte thighs. Stop lying to yourself, Sarah! I feel sorry that Sarah’s ideas are bad and her brain is feeble.


Lastly, I had always compared my lackluster love life to those of my friends, like Sarah, whose almost-threatening level of confidence landed her in several long and meaningful relationships. But then I realized I needed to just follow my own instincts. So when I noticed I was scared to commit to the guy I had been with for a couple months, I told him. We had a talk about it and suddenly, I felt closer to him than ever, unlike Sarah, who seemed to just stumble into her long-term relationship with a guy I’ve deemed “unapproachably perfect” and I’m pretty sure it’s not working out for either of them.


I’d say just don’t do what Sarah does and do what I do because I’m better than Sarah, okay? Believe me. You’re worth it.


So now, I don’t need to compare myself to others to know where I stand: I’m a confident, beautiful woman! And my journey to self-acceptance has been a roller coaster–way more of a fun and meaningful roller coaster than Sarah’s. Don’t read Sarah’s article on it, it is probably bad!!