Hot Ways To Interpret Foucault This Back-to-School Season

The fall semester is about to begin, which means it’s time to hit the books and the hotties in your critical theory class! Just because you’ll mostly be talking about the works of Michel Foucault doesn’t mean things can’t get steamy during class. Get an A and a date with these tips for interpreting Foucault in a hot way:


Argue that there is no fixed human nature – from one of your classmates’ laps!

Foucault believed that our myths, values, and behavior are constructed over time, and there was nothing inherently true about human nature. And what fucks with the societal expectations about human nature like sitting on a person’s lap in the middle of class? If you make this point from Brian’s lap, he and the rest of the class will realize that normal human boundaries are socially constructed while also getting turned on by the way your boobs are constructed. Fouc-oh yes!


Link sexuality with power by showing some skin.

Stand up and lean over the table to show off some cleavage while you make your point about Foucault’s History of Sexuality. Your classmates’ arousal at the sight, heightened by the taboo nature of the classroom setting and the relevance to the classroom discussion, will perfectly demonstrate Foucault’s point about the underlying power structures of sexual discourse. You as a sexual object in an academic setting are a perfect example of the relationship between institutional power and sexual desire. Foucault is hot and so are you!


Demonstrate that gender is a construct by dressing super girly.

Feminist theorist Judith Butler used Foucault’s insistence on gender as a social construct to create her theory of gender performativity. Show the boys in your class that they have been conditioned to respond to a specific definition of femininity by wearing your shortest skirt, batting your long, black eyelashes, and painting your lips cherry red. They’ll be feeling some kind of way as they realize that they are responding to culturally engrained erotic stimuli.


Critique Foucault’s crypto-normativity by pouting.

Foucault’s views have been criticized for being overly bleak and leaving no room for improvement or political engagement. Side with Jürgen Habermas’ critique by making your voice quaver a little, pushing out your lips, and maybe stomping your tiny foot a little bit. The guys in your class will be totally won over by your sexy baby vibe while they consider the ways in which agreeing with Foucault’s views requires letting go of concepts such as justice and agency.


Discourse should never be sacrificed at the expense of sex appeal, and vice versa; hopefully these tips will ensure that your semester is as sexual as it is poststructural.