Easy Holiday Charity Work That Still Counts!

Easy Charity Work

You know just how blessed you are this holiday, and it’s important that people know that you know that and know that you give back. Capture that Instagram-worthy moment by doing easy charity work that still counts – here’s how to look the best and do the least this holiday season!

Donate Blood

You might feel a little pinch…and that’s it! Donating blood can even help you can rack up “advantage” points to be redeemed for gifts for your family. Don’t forget to ask for extra Band-Aids so all your friends ask what happened. “The spirit of giving happened,” you’ll get to respond with a serene smile.


Wrap Gifts for Orphans

The most important thing to a child on Christmas morning is tearing open a mountain of Santa’s bounty. Kids don’t care what crap you give them for Christmas, as long as they can tear it open. Orphans have even lower standards so feel free to use your leftover birthday paper or brown paper bags.

Office Bake Sale

Sure, that breast cancer charity will receive $17 for your efforts, but the real winner is you. Tack a sign-up sheet to your desk and step back as your co-workers shame each other into buying. Be sure to send out a mass email thanking everyone with links to other charities they can donate to.

Give Away Leftovers

Our gift to you is the perfect holiday excuse: “I can’t make it, I’m working at the soup kitchen.” ’Tis the holiday party season and your calendar is filling up fast. Snap a few canapés into your clutch and shake them out over a homeless person on the way home from the party you actually wanted to go to. The poor love shrimp cocktail!