The Cutest Ways to Tell Him He Still Hasn’t Found Your Clit

Cute Ways Clit

We all know men are strong, resilient, and guaranteed to crumble into despair if you suggest that they aren’t doing a perfect job at pleasing you. Soften the experience of telling him that he’s utterly blind to the needs of your body with these cute tricks!

1. Have a Craft Day!

Cozy up with your man while the two of you make collages with glue sticks, glitter, and old magazines. Take a picture of a sweet little cat and paste a sweet message to your lover on top — something like, “This little kit needs you to find her clit!”

2. Do a Scavenger Hunt!

Make a flirty scavenger hunt for him, with clues related to your romance — first dates, inside jokes, and a perfumed note that reads, “If you can find all this, why can’t you find the most sensitive part of a woman’s body?”


3. Make Cupcakes!

Decorate each cupcake with a letter of the alphabet, and then arrange the letters so that they “accidentally” spell out a hint like, “If you don’t make an effort to stimulate my clitoris, I’m leaving you, Joe.”

4. Sing to him!

Rewrite the lyrics to a popular song, like Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble,” so that they hint at the crucial part of your body he’s missing. “I knew you couldn’t find it when your tongue went in/ So try and feel around!/ Blew you for hours now I want a spin/ Please just go down, Joe—“

5. Play Twister

Bring out just the wheel, and make him spin it. When he asks where the mat is, open your legs to reveal the iconic four-color board painted on your lady parts — and let him know it’s full tongue on green! Seriously, ANY green at this point. Hell, even YELLOW would be closer. YOU KNOW WHAT, JOSEPH? JUST TRY ANY. FUCKING. SPOT.