4 Apple Galette Recipes to Leave Open in Tabs Until The End of December

The leaves are falling, the air is getting frosty, your nosebleeds are more frequent—and there’s an undeniable urge to start baking some stuff with apples in it! Baking requires buying ingredients and setting aside several hours of your day, but you do really want to bake something, and it’s really going to happen this time! Here are four tasty apple galette recipes to painstakingly find, and then leave open in your tabs until the end of December.


Salted Caramel Apple Galette

Salted caramel makes for a tasty and trendy treat – if you actually get around to making it. Spoiler: You won’t! This is a very simple recipe utilizing less sweet apples than other recipes, but will definitely languish next to another tab with that documentary about wolves you’re definitely gonna watch instead!


Country Style Apple Galette

Yum! This “country” apple galette is a traditional, buttery pastry you’re sure to love. If you ever get around to making this galette, use fresh apples and feel free to be generous with the cinnamon and nutmeg! Every time you see it open in your tabs you’ll think, “Oh, I should make that this weekend!” But you’re not going to make it this weekend, or any weekend.


Rustic Apple and Pear Galette

This one’s just the same sorta shit but with a pear or two thrown in. You put it in a separate tab thinking that you might this as a second galette to switch things up with the first one. How delusional are you? This recipe will be hidden in your tabs, far away from your thoughts and plans, only to be found after autumn has passed. Honestly, how do you get anything done with that many tabs open?



Butter Apple Galette with Maple Whip

This is the hardest recipe of the bunch, which means you’ll almost definitely ignore it. You definitely considered it for this year’s Thanksgiving dessert spread, but in all likelihood you’ll just have it open in your iPhone for months and end up bringing those chalky sugar cookies from the grocery store like you always do, because you really just don’t get on board with this shit easily.


These apple galette recipes aren’t super hard to make, but that won’t stop you from keeping the tab open and lying to yourself for months and months, really believing you’re actually gonna pull this shit off. Hey, you get a C for effort!