10 Sex Moves That Will Make Him Go Wild, if That’s What He’s Into–It’s Really Hard to Generalize

Looking for the move that will electrify your man’s sexual world? Well it’s impossible to predict your partner’s sexual preferences based on the fact that he’s a guy, but we’re pretty sure these moves will drive him wild, I mean if we were to try and guess. Lots of guys like different things so we don’t really want to generalize or anything.


The Usual Butt Stuff

Seems like an obvious place to start. Dudes go crazy for butt stuff! Except the ones who don’t. Some actually find it kind of gross, which is equally valid as a personal preference. Who are we to generalize, you know? Not us, that’s for sure. But definitely try butt stuff, maybe!


The Cheetah Girl

Get on top, get it in and out at record speed, then leave in a flash! Will this bring out his inner animal? We’re gonna say it’s 50/50 toss-up. You could have a better sense of the odds if you filled out one of those checklists together and he told you exactly what he wanted.


The Pop-Suckle

Alternate between sucking on him and the popsicle in your hand, managing your time so that neither has a chance to melt. It will blow his mind! Which is great, if this specific move is a thing that would blow his mind. Honestly, it might not. Don’t assume!



The Rocker

Maybe shake things up and do it on a rocking chair? Wouldn’t hurt to ask if he’s interested. Just make sure you both feel safe.


The King

Put on your best Elvis drag and call him a “dirty hound dog.” An unlikely hit, but this stuff has a strong niche interest in particular corners of the internet and maybe he’s part of that?


Kosher Dill

Incorporate a literal pickle into the mix. It could be his thing. Look, I don’t know your dude’s sexual quirks, and if you’re reading generic sex tip articles online, you probably don’t, either. Men are not a sexually homogenous group, and you won’t get anywhere until you start talking to him directly about this stuff.


The Net-werk

Pause right before he climaxes to endorse him for Microsoft Office on LinkedIn. There are approximately 3.5 billion men in the world. Statistically, there must be at least three who dream about this kind of thing. Right? I don’t know. We make all this stuff up.


He’ll possibly go wild for these hot moves! I mean, who really knows? Apparently not you. Probably him. You’re won’t have better sex until you two start communicating openly about your preferences.